Four File Formats You Need For Your Logo

When it comes to branding, having your logo in the right file formats is crucial. Each format serves a different purpose and ensures that your logo looks its best no matter where it appears. In this post, we’ll explore the four essential file formats you should have for your logo: .jpg, .png, .svg, and .pdf.

Raster vs. Vector Images

Before we get into the specifics, let’s cover an important difference: raster images vs. vector images. Raster images are made up of pixels, tiny squares of color that collectively form an image. Common raster formats include .jpg and .png. These files are best for detailed images but can lose quality and look pixelated or blocky when sized up beyond their intended resolution.

Vector images, on the other hand, are composed of mathematical formulas that define shapes, lines, and colors. This makes them infinitely scalable without losing quality. Common vector formats include .svg and .pdf.

Raster File Formats


This is the Toyota Prius of image formats… You see ‘em everywhere,
and you’ll get tons of mileage out of one. .Jpg files are ideally suited for logos and images with lots of colors and gradients, and consistently deliver small file sizes. This format is great for web use, social media, and other online applications where a smaller file size is advantageous.


The .png format is another popular raster image format, but an important difference between these and .jpg files is that .png files support transparency, making them ideal for logos that need to be placed on different backgrounds. This format is perfect for websites, presentations, and any other situation where a transparent background is needed.

Vector File Formats


The .svg (Scalable Vector Graphics) format is a versatile vector image format. Because it is vector-based, it can be resized to any dimension without losing quality, making it perfect for logos. .svg files are also ideal for websites and other digital applications because they load quickly and can be easily scaled up or down. They are also editable in vector graphic software, allowing for easy modifications.


The .pdf (Portable Document Format) is another essential vector image format that will ensure you logo looks sharp and clear at any size. It is widely used for print materials such as business cards, brochures, and flyers.

Logo File Format Cheat Sheet

Raster Files

  • Made of Pixels

    Can only be made so large before losing quality

  • .jpg

    Super versatile and can work just about anywhere

  • .png

    Can have transparent backgrounds

Vector Files

  • Infinitely Scalable

    Made of mathematical formulas of points and lines, vector files will never lose quality at any size

  • .svg

    Great for use on the web or in print

  • .pdf

    Great for print or viewing on multiple devices

We Supply All The File Formats You Need for your logo (and a Helpful Guide When to use Which)

At Hum & Flow, we understand the importance of having your logo in all the right formats to suit various needs. That’s why our standard logo design and branding packages include .jpg, .png, .svg, and .pdf versions of your logo, as well as a detailed style guide with instructions how and when to use each version. We make sure you are always prepared, whether you’re updating your website, printing business cards, or sharing your brand across social media.

Ready for your brand to take flight?

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can bring your brand to life.